Thursday, June 21, 2007

18 hours to go

In 18 hours i head to Mozambique! This is both exciting and scary!! i am so grateful for everyone that has supported me! This is going to be an adventure of a life time! i will be doing just a little of the much work Food for the hungry is doing! i am simply growing seeds. Hoping to bring together a community and show them Christ!

There are a few things you can pray for me about as i approach my time!
pray for safety, in travel as well as in country!
pray for health.
Pray for a quickness of melding for me and my team who will be meeting tomorrow.
Pray that all our luggage will get there. We have 6 flights till i get to Biera Mozambique, and so thats a lot of opportunities for lost luggage.
And most importantly pray for the people of Gorongosa, pray that God is preparing their hearts now. Don't underestimate the power of Prayer and how much your prayers can affect our ministry! God is huge, and he works through our prayers!

Thank you all for being apart of my journeys!! please keep me in your prayers! you will all be in mine!!

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