Sunday, February 10, 2008


This is our house in Rwanda!!! and below it is our view and my room!! yeh... amazing i know... its a lot nicer outside though.... but i do have my own room... and it is super fun to have this huge house to ourselves... in a few weeks we are having a short term team stay with us in the house...and then the day they leave the interns come... i am excited about it! today we went to church... it was... alright... they were very..."televangelists" telling the people to give money and if they were going to to come up front and tell every one how much you were giving... isn't there the whole give

in secret thing.... humm....
and then....we got home and down town (where i am now) all by ourselves... 2 days!! 2 days and i
know how to get around... that is an amazing feeling... it took a good 2 weeks to get to know Kampala.... and we are now in the most amazing.. and most overpriced coffee shop ever! i love it... me and Jenny decided to make this our Sunday ritual.... tomorrow we start work... and Wednesday is my first trip out to a village to get pictures and stories... so that should be exciting!It really is beautiful here... and it is great to feel like i know how to get myself around here! The picture at the bottom is the picture from the hotel...It still is weird to think about the

Genocide.... i am excited to learn more about it... there are men that work on the streets wearing pink suits... these are men that have committed crimes during the Genocide... it is weird to see them and think of the realities that these men lived through and the crimes they committed... as well in church today they were talking about leaving the past and all the crime and war that happened and move forward to a future where that will never happen again... as beautiful and organized as this country is... it has so much pain and hurt underneath will be neat to lean and see that more...

1 comment:

No Heroes Here said...

Paul Rusesabagina was just here last week and I saw him speak. And there you are at his hotel. Wild. Hope you're having an awesome time!