Saturday, February 9, 2008

Welcome to Rwanda...

I am here! in Rwanda... sorry i have no pictures.... we found out when we got here... there is no internet at the guest house... so we will have to make due for now in an internet is a weird feelin being here... instead of missing home... i actually miss uganda... haha... i really do miss the other students... and the guards that speak english... and grace our cook.... i love them so much...but it is neat here... everything is clean... and more organized... i do like it... and it will be much easier to find my way around... so all is well.... things are so diffrent here... they speak french to start out... and they drive on the amreican side of the get in a taxi... you JUST push... and every man for himself who ever makes it first gets the seat... it is an interesting system... but it makes everything an adventure...
i really like the people who have been showing us around... (becky and sam).. they were both interns last semester and got jobs...pretty rad.
I WENT TO Hotel Mill Collines today.... it is wierd to see the places i have seen in movies and hear about... this place was in a genocide... weird to thnk
things are so stable here it seems!
i really cannot even imagine a genocide here...
but we went around town as to try to get us aquainted... compared to Kampala it is cake :)
our guest house is pretty nice...not as nice as kampala... but you CANT beat the amazing view

i start work on....monday... so i am excited about that... the girl i am working with seems really cool! i am excited to get into it and start to see what it is like to work here... there are many trips planned too... so it will be a neat experience!

Hope God is blessing all of your lives! i will be praying for ya!

1 comment:

doughtydigest said...

I love your blog. It has been neat to see what God is doing in you. Thank you for the car, the "Becca Mobile" runs great. Keep up the posts, we are praying for you too.
Jason Doughty (your dad's new recruit)
and the Doughty family