Tuesday, March 25, 2008

EASTER weekend!

Well i definatly had one of the funnest weekends i have ever had in my life.... lets start with friday night... me and Leah and Jordon went to the Mille Collines for dinner.... and then after we went to this bar next door where they have music every friday and saturday night... when the people went up we thought it was karaoke.... so we asked if we could sing... of cource, they let us... we sucked it up to the MAX... and after we were done we realized no one else sang... that it wasnt actually Karaoke... but it was a concert, that we butted in on and sang... HILARIOUS... it was really fun... but a little imbarrassing

Then Saturday morning we left for our trip, we went to Kubuye.. where we stayed in a hotel right on Lake Victoria... it was beautiful! one of the prettiest places ever! the Next morning (easter) we went to church where we sang (they really like the white people to prefrom here) And then after lunch we went on an adventure... we took a boat out on the lake and stopped at a few islands. The first one was Bat Island, and they dont call it that for no reason. There were thousands of Bats flying all around, it was INSAINE... i have never seen so many bats in my life. We hiked the mountian on that island and it was BEAUTIFUL.

After that we took the Boat and went to another Island called PEACE island... here they had a volley ball court, and a place to swim. So we drank coke, and swam, and played volley ball, and also PLAYED WITH THE MONKEY that lived on the Island... seriously one of the coolest places i have ever been to in my life. It was beautiful, and sereal almost that i am in AFRICA!
It was truly a relazing Easter, and it was super fun. Definatly something we needed after this intense class on Genocide!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you read "The Hot Zone." I recall the first documented case of the Ebola virus in Africa was contracted on a bat island. No worries though :)