Thursday, June 14, 2007

In office...

Not much to say yet. I got this for Mozambique, which i leave for in 8 days!! so soon! and i am SO ready. The Lord is teaching me so much..even just sitting in an office... lets restart....
Last Monday i started my internship at Food for the Hungry. Orientation was awesome! and i love the other interns! This is them....

So anyways, im working in an office with Josh Kienzle who is super fun and cool! it has been a blast. I am doing a project of making a new hand out for the short term teams. Specifically i am making the country specific guides, full of information as well as missionary bios and the work FH does in the country.
It is boring at times, i am not gonna lie, but being in the office is fun. I love the people here and i love doing something that makes a difference.
ALSO going to orientation and hearing all about Africa, and hearing from the interns who are in fact in Africa, makes me so excited to go!
i pray God makes it evidently clear what he wants me to do in my life!
i also pray he will bless my time here and on the feild!
i know he is exactly where he wants me RIGHT now, and thats an awesome feeling to have!!

1 comment:

Christa said...

Becca...I am so excited for you! I will be praying for you and the direction that God has for you! This is very exciting!