Thursday, July 5, 2007

SO much info....

How do u go and discribe the past 2 weeks! there has been SO much... and i have learned so much!! i love africa, i really do. So... here is my brief summery of what it was like. We went to gorongosa...a 4 hour drive. We stayed at FH head quarters. They were nice little rotundas...full of ants... but very nice... we actually had cemement floors, and we have toilets... still buckt baths though. We then worked in Mucudzo a town about 10 minutes in really rough roads. The Basics of what we did was.... we vaccinated 600 kids from worms as wella s gave them vitamins. We then did all CDP stuff ( got the plac ready for child sponsership)... this is a new place FH is coming.. there is really has been not alot of other contact with FH other then this. We then did a VBS... we got to share the gospel with 600 kids!! SO awesome! and we had skits, we taught them to brush their teeth with sticks (odd... but its all they have). WE also taught them to wash their hands... which is a forign concept.... why do that.. whater is so far.... and picture a bathroom that is literally just sticks in a square with rocks on the ground. They all live in mud huts... and they drink oput of broken beer bottles, and other forign objects.
Their culture... INTENSE.... they marry for children is a means for divoce... and they cut themselves for beauty... TEHRE IS so much more... but time is limited...
the spiritual warfare was insane.... i could feel it when i gopt there... i felt bogged down almost the whole time. Gorongosa (meaning dangerous mountian) is the home one one of the biggest witch Doctors in all of africa... we got to meet him (a story to long to tell here..) but these peopel are trapped by evil things!! we had many prayer tiems over this...
all in all i fell in love with my team, and we had an amazing time. we have 2 days left in which we will debrief from our fun time!!
God has taught me so much! and i know he wanted me here!! we spread his world to gorongosa!! HOW AMAZING!
i miss you all and cant wait to see you all in a week!!

1 comment:

No Heroes Here said...

So good to hear about the trip, even briefly! When you've got time, I'd love to hear more about it! Hope all is well in AZ!