Saturday, July 7, 2007

Some more tidbits...

I have a little time... on my last day here in Mozambique... so i thought i would write a little more...
we just got back from Sofala, where we had debreifing... it was seriously the most beautiful place i have ever been!! it was amazing... and God was just TRULY there. I dont think you can feel closer to God then when you are right there smack dab in the middle of his creation!! he is SO SO good!!
i am so thankful for two reasons... ONE... I have not had to eat red meat yet... I AM SO SICK OF CHICKEN though... and two... only 4 of us have gotten diarea... so we so far have been pretty healthy!!
I think i could have stayed for longer... africa is so eazy for me to accumulate to... but i am ready to come home... to have a bed without bugs, to have something differnt then chicken...

So... i think i am going to explaine the craziest day we had in Gorongosa...

It started with prayer, we prayed so hard for the spiritual war fare before we went into the community. Then we had meetings with the people. I got to go with the group with the ladies. We got to ask so many questions. These ladys are so strong, have been through so much. They all have lost at least 2 children. They can be divorced if they dont have enough children... 8 is average. The men here all have at least 2 wives. And they hate it... we asked and it was something not wanting to be fear of what would happen. they are plegued with fear of spirits... Sex is for purification... for example.. if someone dies... sex needs to be had in the hosue to appease the spirits... if someone in murdered... a spirit will posess the murderer and the murderer will have to give the spirit a woman or cow or something. If they give it a woman, she is married to the spirit... and if she marries agian.. the spirit rules the marriage..and dictates with sex is ok or not...
its crazy what these people believe and what Governs their lives...
after that we were dropping off a kid and he lived across from the witch dr... we decided to stop in... i was expecting this crazy man with paint and a robe.... and rolled back eyes.... not at all... this man was dressed nicely..and he looked like bill cosby... it is true that evil things come in beautiful packages... he was joaking with us... he gave us 8 pineapples... (he has way more land then any man should have)... it was a trippy experience...
after that we dropped of a kid who is 11 and is as tall as a 5 year old...
we learned it was becuase he is from a tribe of pigmese... a group of people who live up the mountian and dont talk or associate with any other people in africa... they are truly unreached... and it is crazy that in a place like this...up a mountian are people who have never heared the Gospel...

That was an insane day... another amazing thing was on the way to my sponser childs house.... she walkes over 3 miles every day to school.. through a river... it was insane going to her house... but so interesting to see what they go through every day

Pray for Africa... Pray that God will reach these people

thats all for now.. i am excited to come home starting tomarow and share more of the amazing things the lord has done here!

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