Thursday, January 17, 2008

I have learned more in the past two days then i learned all last semester... i am exhausted from taking in a different culture... tons of information, getting to know different people, food, etc...But it is all so great! i really think it is going to be hard to leave! I am growing quite attached to my team, and i seriously love this culture and people!
Yesterday we did two really cool things... first we went to the tombs of the dead kings, also the biggest hut in the WORLD!... it seriously was a LEGIT hut... i would want to live in it! Our tour guide was the next inline to the throne, and he knew so much about the kinds, and all of the strange beliefs that when people die they are still alive.... They have the 85 wifes of the king still taking care of the tomb and no one is allowed past this line, because they believe you will disappear. It was an amazing experience.
After that we went to the US embassy and spent about 2 hours talking to a rep who had so much knowledge, i wish that i knew all that he knew about all of the things going on in our world!! i learned so much about conflicts going on, and all of the misplaced peoples, and what is going on to get them a home... it really is amazing, and it was really refreshing to hear someone in a political position who actually gives a rip about what is going on and trying to do something about it!
Today we Had religion again and learned about how most of Africa really believes in one God... they just believe that there are other deities that are closer to God so they pray to them so they can intercede on behalf of the person to Get to God.... Our teacher was telling us that we get caught up in the fact that they are wrong, and sometimes forget to look at their culture, and maybe like in Acts with the people with the unknown God, they do believe in God, they just don't know how to correctly worship him.... These are things missionaries need to bring to the people, instead of telling them that all their culture and religion is wrong... you need to be relate able, being all things to all people in order to minister effectively.... it is a really good concept to think about!
We have more Lugandan tonight... i am really picking up on the language i think... and it is fun to use it out side...
we are a little spoiled here in Uganda... almost everyone knows English...
but it is still fun to use Lugandan and have the people point and laugh at the Muzungu trying to speak Lugandan!
tomorrow we pick our practicum sights... Pray that the Lord would place me in the right place... a place where i can minister effectively, and just learn the Most!

I love and Miss you all!!


(the picture is me and Leah.... she is pretty much amazing!)

1 comment:

Sue said...

I am catching up on all your blogs and I was so excited to see a picture of Leah. Now I can pray for you both with your faces in mind. Our God is so good in how he has answered so many of our prayers from this last semester in just your first two weeks in Africa. Love you and miss you.