Monday, June 25, 2007


well...3 days and 24 hours in air, i have made it to Africa!! it is so beautiful! the ride went fast! i slept for 8 hours one flight (tylonal PM is amazing!!) i also got interviewed on one flight and will be on an irish radio station!! funny!! but we are here, in Beira. It is beautiful! other then the spiders in my bed and on my walls, and the cocroaches crawling up the toilet, the hosue we are staying at is beautiful, and it is very comfortable! we have running water! (which wont be the case when we go to Gorongosa). Last night we went to this resuraunt on the beach. It was a little hut, and the food was good, but the view was AMAZING! biera is SO beautiful!! today was independence day. There have been prades and rallys all morning! it has been really interesting! my team has melded great so far! they are all great, and i am excited to get to know them more, and to grow with them, and serve with them... ALSO!! all of our luggage got here!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! so things are awesome! and the lord has been so good. WE are at the missionaries hose now for lunch. We will eat and then head to the beach for team building. Tommaorow we head for Gorongosa. There probably wont be any internet there, so this will prolly be my last post till i get back from Goronogosa, but who knows!!
keep praying, and im praying for you!!
the lord is good!!!


Anonymous said...

We are praying for you and missing you. I can't wait to hear about your adventures. Alyssa has told me a bit about her travels (she is in Africa too). It sounds pretty wild. God bless! We love you!

No Heroes Here said...

So glad to hear you made it safe, fellow intern. You've got my prayers from another 1/4 of the way around the world. Have an amazing trip!