Monday, January 28, 2008


I dont know if i told you all... but Henrys parents died because of the lords resistance up north... his job is also to work with boys who escaped or were part of the whole child soldier thing...we were talking this weekend and he told us that all the money and effort put forth in the US for "child soldiers"...was all to make awareness... none of it got back here to Africa... he says that is the case with most campaigns like that.... this frustrated me a lot... another thing that frustrated me is all the things we are learning about... all of the white missionaries that come here and bring their "culture"... they forget to detaching their culture from their religion and end up ruining tribes and people and traditions here... or churches like the one i went to that just want money to bring western buildings and teach these people that being a Christian is being a number and bringing in numbers and forgetting the relationship... FORGETTING CHRIST... I feel frustrated... and i am wondering if i should really be another American coming to a foreign land to screw things up... i have felt this deep pull twards missions till now.. where i dont know what God has for me... does he want me in a forgin land that i dont know bringing the gospel and possibly messing it up as so many have.... or should i be on the other side of things? working in my country and in my culture... perhaps helping others see the mistakes i have seen?? These questions have been weighing on my heart a lot lately... I am not sure my place in this culture... im not sure i have one...


Anonymous said...

Becca- You are amazing. And that is frustrating to hear that all of the money goes to raising awareness. I'm sorry. But take joy in the fact that you have a heart for these people and that God has you there, building relationships for now.. I love you, and I am praying for you!!!

Anonymous said...

I got really frustrated too when I saw and heard how things were used even in FH. Like the CDP in Rwanda. Just didn't seem quite right. But I'd have to agree with Jess here and say that God is bigger than all our mistakes and has a plan and purpose for YOU being there. Keep going!!!:)

Stephanie said...

Becca, I totally hear you. It is frustrating. But do know that there ARE missionaries who have gone to these places and haven't messed up the cultures. With a little training and a lot of prayer they have gone and made a huge impact for Christ. Have you ever heard of Worldwide Perspectives (now called Pathways)? It's a great missions class that you might be interested in. I took it last spring and learned SO much. Let me know if you'd like to hear more about it :D

I hope you have fun rafting the Nile today!!