Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rural Visit

How can i write a blog about this weekend?? there is just so much information...We went to a house in the village and stayed with the Family... it was a broken family... not the traditional african family (a man with many wives) these were three generations of women who were rejected by their husbands and their kids. The brother of the middle lady came and stayed with us. His name was edward.. he was the person that showed us around the most... it is hard for me to digest everything i experienced. To live in poverty like that and then really understand and own the poverty i saw. Or to really understand the way they treat the women. They are basically glorified servants. They do dont come out when we eat... they spend all day cooking. They do not have the rights most do, and the only reason why i did was becuase i was white... that is a hard concept for me to come to grips with. So i guess i will just lay out the weekend.
We got there and immidietly were served food (matoke (smashed bananas), beef, and rice)... i am pretty sure i chewed on one piece of beef for a good 20 minutes... i almost threw up. HA... And then we went on a walk... saw there water well where they get all their water, we also went on a monkey hunt. After that we came back and had tea and bread. We then sat for a long time, and then we had dinner and went to bed. The next morning we woke up and had tea, and we went out and killed a chicken. We watched them pluck all the feathers off, and cut its throat. And then we picked potatoes for dinner, and got the yams. After that we went to a funeral. It was really weird being at a funeral that we didn't know who died. We also kinda stole the show because we were white. I felt a little weird about it. And then they had us eat inside because we were guests for the meal that proceeded. which was weird too, because only special guests got to do that. After that we came home and rested, and then went on a hike up a mountain. It was a really fun hike. There were aunt hills up their bigger then me (picture of me and edward standing on a hill is of us STANDING ON A AUNT HILL)... it was nuts. We then came back... had tea...and dinner... and then went to bed. This morning we went to church... which started 1 hour and 10 minutes late (welcome to Africa)... the matatus tried to rip us off (we ended up getting in one with 20 people!! WOW...they are supposed to fit 14) as well because we were white...After that we went back.. had lunch... gave presents.. received presents.. and then waited for the matatu to come... it took about an hour to finally get a matatu to pick us up... so now i am home... trying to process the poverty i was in... the dirt home... with a hole in the ground for a toilet... no running water... i crazy experience that i would never take back... but one that i defiantly need to process...

1 comment:

Sue said...

It is hard to imagine the hardship of their daily lives without actually living with them. I am glad you had the opportunity. I will be praying for you as you seek what God has taught you from this experience and I am also still praying for your practicum assigment. Love, Sue
PS- Your promised email is on the way.